Luxury Houses near the Beach for sale in Mallorca

At the moment, we do not have any Houses for sale in Mallorca. We are showing you other similar properties that might interest you.


By request from our property owners, more than 100 properties are not on display on our website. However, we have a catalogue of exposes that we would share with you once we understand your real estate requirements.
Frequently Asked

There are 262 beaches in Mallorca with a total length of 50km. Regardless of what kind of beach you like Mallorca's got it. The island also has many Blue Flag beaches, an international designation indicating that they meet stringent environmental management, health, and safety standards. 


On the South West Coast of Mallorca there are properties sweeping the coast line, this however is not the case across the whole island. The East Coast of Mallorca does not offer such a variety of luxury houses.  


Beachside houses in Mallorca are one of the safest real estate investments. Mallorca’s stable market and notoriously increasing market has stood the test of time. Luxury houses near the beach in Mallorca will always be a desired property type.  

A Luxury house near the beach for sale in Mallorca is a precious gem in the Real Estate industry and a very sought-after property type. Property prices mainly depend on the location, you will notice that the higher end price point properties are on the South West Coast of Mallorca and the surrounding of Palma City Centre. 


Whilst some luxury houses in Majorca on the beach will have direct sea or beach access, others are within a short walking distance to the nearest beach and others higher up offering sea views across the local bay. 

When looking at Luxury houses near the beach to buy in Mallorca, focus on the location to ensure it’s the right property for you. Whether you are searching or a holiday house, a family home, a retirement property or an investment, a lot of factors needs to be taken into consideration. 


The different areas of the island play a core role when starting your property search so we recommend doing some independent traveling across the island, seeking the most attracting location to you. Parts of Mallorca are very seasonal, beaches in the high season June to September will be very busy however in the off-season months you will find fewer tourists and more residents walking their dogs! 


Depending on the lifestyle you are looking to create in Mallorca, the location is paramount. The team at Sandberg Estates are here to support and guide you whilst getting to know you and your needs throughout the sale process. 
